STC Sonnet Festival 2002
English is not my mother tongue. Yet, as a learner of languages, I always believe that listening to poems is a good way to raise our interest to learn more. So, as a teacher of the English language to students of similar background to mine, I deem it my duty to provide them with chances of listening to poems.
By fate or luck, I came across Shakespearean love sonnets. There are only 14 lines each, not too intimidating for my students, I hope. Thus, a Sonnet Festival is born.
The text was collected from and the songs from a CD called 'WHEN LOVE SPEAKS'. Credits should be their due, not mine. It is NOT my intention to provide CD quality audio here. My only wish is to stimulate greater interests in Shakespearean sonnets in particular and the English language in general.
Of course, mothers are fountains of Love. In turn, we spread their love to people we meet, and they theirs and so on and so forth.... Therefore, it is appropriate to dedicate this webpage to mothers who start it all.
Alex Kwok
Mother's Day, 2002
Time truly flies and two decades have transpired. This Sonnet Festival resurfaces in another space. Not much change has made, only attempts to make the page mildly
Deacon Alex Kwok
October 25, 2022